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Geomagnetic storms in July 2023: 1,5,12,27.


How do people react during a magnetic storm?

People react in a different ways during magnetic storms. People who have chronic headaches, migraine, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and others are particularly sensitive to magnetic storms. It is advised to avoid physical activities in the days of magnetic storms. It is possible that magnetic storms can increase blood pressure or cause tachycardia. Of course, it is too individual for each person.


How can we relieve our condition during magnetic storms?

In order to relieve the common condition, eliminate fatty food from your nutrition and also reduce smoking and drinking alcohol.

The most important thing in the time of mighty geomagnetic activity is: people must not be in stressful situations, they must not solve important life problems, and they must not be an object of quarrels and conflict situations because thus they additionally load and threaten their organism.  



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Geomagnetic storms in September 2022: 1, 3, 7, 8, 15-17, 20, 27, 29, 30.


How do people react during a magnetic storm?

People react in a different way during magnetic storms. People who have chronic headaches, migraine, high blood pressure, heart disease, and others are particularly sensitive to magnetic storms. It is advised to avoid physical activities on the days of magnetic storms. It is possible the magnetic storms can increase blood pressure or cause tachycardia. Of course, it is too individual for each person.

How can we relieve our condition during magnetic storms?

In order to relieve the common condition, eliminate fast food from your nutrition and also reduce smoking and drinking alcohol.

The most important thing in the time of mighty geomagnetic activity is: that people must not be in stressful situations, they must not solve important life problems, and they must not be an object of quarrels and conflict situations because thus they additionally load and threaten their organism.  



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4-day forecast of magnetic storms


From 12 to 15 February 2025, the following magnetic storms and disturbances are expected:











12 February 









13 February 









14 February 









15 February 














Magnetic storms are quick and strong changes in the magnetic field of the Earth that appear during periods of high solar activity. Similar changes don’t happen without results for the inhabitants of the planet: during magnetic storms, the functions of the cordial and digestive systems are in disorder, reactions of the central nervous system become slower, and working capacity reduces. During magnetic storms, the condition of people with an ischemic disease of the heart becomes worse 50-55 % more often than in the rest of the days. 25-27 % of fits of angina happen at the end of these days. During unfavorable days some people with more sensitive organisms can feel disturbance and sadness, mental tension, high irritation, and insomnia. During this period many children become aggressive or too touchy, slow with school responsibilities, and absent-minded during the lessons. But we must notice that only 10-15 % of people in the whole world are really sensitive to magnetic storms. The biggest diversions in the physiological condition usually come 24-28 hours after the magnetic storm.

How do we live during the days with magnetic storms?


It is recommended to take an aspirin tablet before a magnetic storm. It rarefies the blood and makes strong pain easier. Those who react to high solar activity with irritation and headache ( more of them are women) are advised to take light natural sedative medicines like valerian. People suffering from arrhythmia, ischemic disease of the heart as well as those who had a heart attack or an insult must be very careful and keep doctors’ recommendations during magnetic storms. Most people think that it is better to stay home during the usual magnetic storms. But it is not true. It is no different if you are in bed or sitting on a bench for your organism. And fresh air was always for preference: a person breathes easier and the risk of constriction is less. If you have chronic diseases, pay attention to what days you feel worse: in the end, during, or after magnetic storms. It is good to reduce the caloricity of food by 1/3, not more than 2000 calories daily, and carbohydrates and fats must be limited as well. The protective forces of the organism must be additionally stimulated by light steel: cold baths, contrasting showers, visiting mineral baths, or saunas.


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Geomagnetic storms in November 2014: 10,11,14,15,20

How do people react during the magnetic storm?


People react in a different way during magnetic storms. People who have a chronic headache, migraine, high blood pressure, heart diseases and others are particularly sensitive to magnetic storms. It is advised to avoid physical activities in the days of magnetic storms. It is possible the magnetic storms can increase blood pressure or cause tachycardia. Of course, it is too individual for each person.


How can we relieve our condition during magnetic storms?


In order to relieve the common condition, eliminate fat food from your nutrition and also reduce smoking and drinking alcohol.


The most important thing in the time of mighty geomagnetic activity is : people must not be in stress situations, they must not solve important life problems, they must not be a n object of quarrels and conflict situations because thus  they additionally load and threaten  their organism. 

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