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The French dietician stakes on food with low glycemic index. His diet reminds us the Mediterranean one. It is recommended by the World healthy organization and Harvard medical faculty. We can trust it.

According to Montignac, obesity is due to the surplus of insulin which happens because of excessive use of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. The glycemic index shows the speed with which carbohydrates are assimilated by the organism. Food has different ability to increase the blood level and influences on production of insulin. The surplus of insulin leads to the fat accumulation and increases the weight. That’s why Montignac advises to eliminate the quick carbohydrates (sugar and pastas, fizzy drinks) and reduce minimally the fats in our menu. Because of it his diet is very useful for people suffering diabetics.

The Montignac’s supporters are sure that the reduction of food with a high glycemic index is  inevitably beneficial for the organism. His critics, however, mind to eliminate the sources of such carbohydrates as potatoes, rice, carrots and bread which ensure a great number of vitamins and minerals.

The French dietician Michel Montignac quickly becomes famous for his program of nutrition. He himself lost 30 pounds with this program. Montignac was the first who suggested not to number traditional calories but the glycemic index of food. His motto  ”It is not necessary to be hungry in order to lose the weight” was liked by the exhausted candidates for elegant body. The confidence was full because the Frenchman himself had used this method.

Montignac says that we accumulate fat eating food with high glycemic index because they sharply increase the insulin level in blood. And this hormone itself causes the getting weight. Food with low index doesn’t have big amounts of sugar, for their remaking they need less insulin, so we can eat them regularly without getting the weight.


The dietician makes a table for forbidden and allowed food. There is bad food with glycemic index over 55 on one side, and the good one under this value on the other side. There are no meat and fish on the list but because they don’t contain carbohydrates, their glycemic index is equal to zero. So one can eat them without any worry. Besides, one must drink at least 2 liters of water per day. It is forbidden to mix carbohydrates and fats and one must keep the interval between meals not less than 3 hours. Thus everyone can quickly and easily react and make his own daily menu. Although in the site of the diet there are concrete programs and many recipes of French tasty dishes, which are not dangerous for the figure.

Montignac promises that keeping his recommendations for 3 months you can lose 15 pounds without any yo-yo effect.

The exemplary menu

First of all you must know forbidden and allowed food.  Put in order due to their indexes from high to low.

Bad carbohydrates:  sugar, bread, baked potatoes, honey, popcorns, carrots, chocolate, boiled potatoes, maize, rice, liver, red beet, water-melon, banana, jam, paste.

Good carbohydrates: whole wheat bread, brown rice, peas, bran, oat nuts, fresh juices, beans, dry peas, milk foods, lentils, black bread, fresh fruit, dark chocolate with over 60  % of cocoa, fructose, soya, green vegetables, mushrooms.

The diet passes two stages. During the first stage the spare kilograms disappear and during the second one the achieved result is stabilized.

The first stage

Breakfast: Start always with fruit because they stimulate the work of the stomach, quickly remade and easily assimilated. The breakfast must be abundant, keeping proteins and carbohydrates with fibers. For example, yogurt or cottage cheese with a slice of black bread or oat nuts with skim milk.

The second breakfast: It must not have carbohydrates –include, for instance, cheese, cottage cheese, ham, boiled eggs or poached eggs.

Lunch: There must be proteins and lipids but without fatty meals. Bad carbohydrates are fully eliminated. The main dish may be meat or fish with dressing from fresh vegetables (without red beet and carrots) and cheese or yogurt for the dessert.

Dinner: it must be light and it may be protein-lipid or protein-carbohydrate. Eat it before 7 o’clock p.m. You can include vegetable soup, fish, chicken or eggs in the protein-lipid diet. Avoid sausages because they contain about 20 % meat, much salt and different chemical side-dishes. You must include food full of carbohydrates with many fibers without fat. Cottage cheese, tomatoes, aubergines, green beans, cauliflower, green salad.

The second stage

After getting the desirable weight, you must stabilize it. Keep the next principles:

It is allowed to mix fats and carbohydrates sometimes, but eat a big portion of green salad with them.

The dry wine is allowed but with some cheese.

Sometimes you can take bad carbohydrates but a little.

Include beans and whole wheat products gradually in the diet.

Choose good fats (vegetable) and eat more fish.

Go on eating whole wheat bread for breakfast.

Don’t eat sugar, honey, sweets and jams.

Avoid pies with white flour and sugar.

Drink coffee without caffeine, better- drink tea.

Go on drinking 2 liters of water per day.


The examplary week menu of Montignac

The first day:

Breakfast-fruit, whole wheat bread and a small amount of jam

Lunch-stewed vegetables, veal with green beans

Dinner-vegetable soup, omelet with mushrooms

The second day:

Breakfast-orange juice, whole wheat croissant, white coffee

Lunch-salad from tomatoes and cucumbers, grilled fish fillet, spinach

Dinner-stewed vegetables and omelet with tomatoes

The third day:

Breakfast- fruit, whole wheat slice of bread, coffee without caffeine

Lunch-salmon with salad or veal with beans

Dinner-vegetable soup, green salad, fatless cottage cheese

The fourth day:

Breakfast-omelet and a small piece of bacon

Lunch- grilled fish and tomatoes

Dinner-vegetable soup, cabbage baked with cheese

The fifth day:

Breakfast-orange juice, fatless cottage cheese

Lunch-baked fish with spinach

Dinner-vegetable soup, a piece of ham and green salad

The sixth day:

Breakfast-whole wheat slice, fatless cottage cheese and some jam

Lunch-vegetable salad, a dish from green beans

Dinner-fruit by your choice

The seventh day:

Breakfast-whole wheat slice easily spread with butter

Lunch-fish with salad

Dinner-vegetable salad or lentils, fruit.










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