What is the composition of meat?
Meat contains 20-25 % of proteins , mainly myosin, and 1-25 % of fats. It contains extractive substances too, such as creatine, hypoxanthine, potassium, phosphorus acid and others.
The connective tissue of meat can increase acid dispepsia.
The assimilation of meat depends on its contents of connective tissue and fats. For people suffering ulcer and those with a gastroesophageal reflux meats with little connective tissue must be given. Chicken, veal, lamb and other fresh meats which have soft fibers are recommended. Meat and meat bouillon increase stomach secretion. The combination of meat with fats keeps food in the stomach for a long time.
Small pieces of food leave the stomach quicker and don’t provoke the stomach secretion.
The big pieces of meat provoke 30 % more stomach secretion, that is why at stomach ulcer and heartburn finely ground meat has to be consumed. It is good to cook pounded rusk, milk and eggs and make them in a form of souffle on the water –bath. Cooked in such a way, it becomes fine porridge in the stomach which leaves it quicker.